Wednesday, December 21, 2011

We are Back

I applogize for having spent this year gone from the blog. We moved for the 2nd time in under a year and have been dealing with a crazy job schedule with my husband gone more than he is home. I plan on picking up on the couponing again with the start of this new year along with a weight loss journey. We will see what else is thrown our way this year. I know I will have a new niece or nephew joining our family in July and Lord willing I will be blogging from Georgia for that. My sister in law's site has been off too also for lack of internet. I am not sure if she will be posting on it soon or what. I will officially be back to blogging the ins and outs and deals starting Monday. I will try to get the rest of the link ups for store policies up before then.
P.S. There will be no coupons in the papers this weekend or next.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Links to store policies part # 1

Sorry I have been out this week, I spent 2 days in bed with a migrain that just wouldn't leave and have spent half the week playing catch up while my body threw other health issues my way, but I am back. I am posting links to  several store's coupon policies here. Feel free to print these out and store them in your binder and take them into the stores with you.
CVS : Click Here

Walgreens : Click Here

Rite Aid : Click Here

Target : Click Here

Wal-Mart : Click Here

K-Mart : Click Here

Meijer : Click Here

Publix : Click Here

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Hi! This is Sunshine's sister-in-law checking in for her. She has been having migraines and is unable to get on here at this time, and just wanted me to let you know! Thanks!

Friday, January 21, 2011

This is just me checking in for a moment

     Sorry that I am not doing a big blog post tonight, I have had a nightmare of a day. I ended up oversleeping for some reason and the boys and dogs tore up my room and the rest of the house. Then I realized they had taken off with my phone and neither would tell me where it was, and to make it worse my phone was dead. It happens to be my lifeline to sanity most days and to Jeremy every day that he is gone and on the road. My phone was not found until about 7pm and my house is still somewhat of a disaster zone. I am greatful I planned a easy healthy meal for dinner tonight. Each week now I am going to try to implement a variety of soups and vegetables / potatoes into my menu and I do really need to get one running.
    Tonight I had TACO POTATOES ready when Jeremy came home. It is simple to make and very delicious. I am posting below what it takes.
1 lb ground beef/ turkey
1 package taco seasoning
potatoes diced
tomatoes chopped up
shredded cheese
sour cream

In a skillet brown meat and drain off the grease. Add 1 tbsp water and mix in packet of taco seasoning. While the meat is browning boil the potatoes. When meat and potatoes are done add yout choice and preference of the toppings. That is all there is to this meal. It is easy to make larger portions of this and for our family we do 2 lbs of meat and 2 taco seasonings.
I hope you enjoy this.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

About Me

    I figure it may be time to let a little about me be known on here. I am a wife of five years as of yesterday and a mother to 3 boys ages 4 and under. I am 25 years old and currently live in Danville Virginia.
    I graduated high school in 2002 6 weeks after turning 17 and then went to Pensacola Christian College where I majored in Elementary Education with a minor in Missions. It was in my freshman year there when I met my husband to be and it wasn't till almost 4 years later that we eloped. We were both married at the age of 20 and I had and still have plans on finishing my degree. He started boot camp for he Navy right after we began dating in January of 2005 and was stationed in GooseCreek/Charleston Sc when we eloped in January of 2006. Our oldest, N, was born October 2006 just 9 months and 2 days later, a surprise blessing from God. He was followed by C in Dec of 2007 while we were still in SC.  It was shortly after he was born that my husband encouraged me to attend the only play group I went to on base. It was there I met one of my best friends Sarah. She has deffinitely been a tool in the hand of God in our lives even to this day. She too is a military wife and was expecting her 3rd when we met.  She is the one who taught me what I am hoping to pass on to many many others. Our 3rd child J was born in July of 2009 while living in Alabama after a brief period of Jeremy working for a nuclear plant in Wisconsin. We are young and learning many things as we go, but Lord willing we will learn well and not have to repeat some of it, and maybe even help others.
    I am starting homeschool this fall with the older 2 boys.I am sure that will be quite fun lol. Also I enjoy my hobbies of reading, sewing, cross stitching, embrodery, quilting and baking. I am hoping to be able to put in a garden this year and do a lot more fresh vegetables for the family. I also am a cloth diapering, baby-wearing mamma and make and sell ring-slings with personalized burp cloths.

Where to find coupons

Coupons may seem difficult to find when you have not really couponed before. The easiest place to find them would be your local newspaper. Sunday papers come with all the adds in the middle but before you hold it out over the trash can and shake it out stop one second and look. There are actually coupons in there too. They are called inserts. On any Sunday you can see several, Proctor and Gamble, Red Plum, Smart Source and sometimes there may be 2 of one in there. KEEP THESE! These clip and sort and put them in your binder. The second place to find them is in your circulars that are mailed to your home. These normally are ft food coupons and ones for the car but they are great when your car has an unexpected need for repair :)
Finally there are online coupons. These can be printed out and taken in to the store and used as a normal coupon in most stores. Sometimes online coupons are manufacturer coupons (ones that start with the number 5 or 9 ) and other times they are store coupons (ones that start with any number other than a 5 or 9,  4 is a popular one). When printing out these coupons, most times you can print a total of 2 per computer in the house of each coupon. There are a few that you can print more of but not many. Also not all stores will accept an online coupon, this is up to each individual store. When printing out the coupons though, make sure the entire thing is visible. This helps the cashiers out and can cut down on a lot of problems at the registers.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Organizing Your Coupons


There are different methods of organizing coupons. Many manufacturers now are making coupon holders and sorters. These tend to be on the small side and are fine for those who want to use the occasional coupons. You can also pick up any size of three ring binders at walmart or just about anywhere else. These work too but you have to be careful not to accidentally grab it upside down or papers will fall out. What I use is a 3 ring binder that zips shut. It has an outside pocket to store my stores rewards program cards in (will explain more about these later) and a pocket inside for my pens my shopping list and my scissors.


I personally use baseball card holders to keep my coupons sorted out. You can put the matching ones facing out and another set in the back facing the other way so that your binder literally becomes a book that you can flip through. There are 9 slots to a page and so each page can hold 18 sets of coupons. They come with 3 holes in the edge already which makes it easy to slip into the Binder. Here is a link to the ones that I use, but I bought mine at a baseball store. These are a little bit more expensive than the others but they are built sturdier and will last longer than the cheaper ones do.


Simple packs of page dividers that you can write on and catagorize your coupons in your binder under work great. I have tried the ones where you insert the paper with the heading into it and the paper falls out too fast and then you have to remember what that catagory was....not fun in the store with kids lol. Depending on how many sections you break your coupons down into will determine how many packs you have to purchase. They come in packs up to 8 normally. I will say that the more catagories you break your coupons up into the harder it can get to put one in the "right catagory". Do not try to alphabetize your coupons....this will lead to misery and a lot more work than can be imagined. I do have my main catagories in the binder alphabetized to make finding that section of coupons easier, if I have mine open to fridge and need something from freezer i flip up one but if i need something from "baby" i know to flip towards the front.


Stores like Food Lion, CVS, Kmart and Kroger are really good about giving you coupons back with your receipts. I tried to keep them with my normal coupons until I found myself trying to use them at the wrong store because I wasn't paying attention. Now they sit in a baseball sleeve in the very front of my binder before my sections even begin. This way at the beginning of the trip I can see if I have any good store coupons that need to be used or that I can pare up with a manufacturers coupon.

That is all for now, this post took longer than I thought it would and was to have been up while it was still yesterday :) I am off for now, and Lord willing will post more today. It all depends on what my husband has planned for our anniversary. Happy 5 year anniversary baby.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Just Running a Check, will be back later for real

I am back and Lord willing for good.

I am making this blog a priority from here on out. I have come and gone and have taught people in person and online how to coupon shop. I was taught by a good Christian friend how to be frugal and smart when our lives were at about their lowest. Now I want to pay that favor back to those who can use it. This blog for me will be a testimony a way to reach out to those who need it and a way to honor God. My sister in law is doing the same with her blog . I taught her as I had been taught. We are stay at home moms of 3 boys each. I will do my best to track the sales that I hear of and hope that others are willing to fill me in on ones they here of too. Right now if you come back in the next couple of days and things look different it is because she is helping overhaul my blog from GA. :) The name on the blog has changed but it is still me.

Friday, January 7, 2011

I found a blog with a giveaway and it looks like she too is a fellow couponer. If you want to check out her site follow th link bellow.


About Me

I am a soon to be again cloth diapering, a.p., loving mamma. I love to sew and knit and crochet. I am trying to learn more about being healthy. We are starting to make our own bread, our own laundry detergent, and I wish I could swing making my own butter and having fresh whole healthy milk. I would love to go green but am lacking knowledge and that last little bit of umph. I love to bake and am trying to learn to do more from scratch. We are a family that loves God and are not ashamed to live it and admit it.